Aruba/ and the National Park Arikok.

For the emerging National Park, an area of 18% of the total land, it was enquired to create different concepts for the tourism for foreign visitors as well as inhabitants. The presented catalogue shows ideas round the park’s educational program and identity, its history, flora and fauna.

My main concern has been the inhabitants, their culture and history that should be never forgotten while creating ideas for tourism, which is 70% of the island’s income. Besides being income the nature of the park should stay in a pure state and be offered in its existing beauty. The inhabitants should become proud, loving and protecting landlords.

As being a guest to the island I have chosen to offer ideas to the inhabitants rather setting my own imprint onto the island.

See parts of the catalogue below.

Partner: Noelle Ingeveldt, Glen Goddijn
August till October 2012

The rather small island differs extremely between the tourism hotspots and its daily live. My observations turned into questions and a collage of related pictures about the islands live next to the catchy, sunny picture. The mapped out themes could propose a conversation table game. The Jeep drives the questions round.

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